Sunday, March 4, 2012

Want to Eat Sushi During Dieting?

Eating sushi on the weekends? Definitely fun! Rolls of rice with various toppingsand savory stuffing is delicious. Although classified as healthy, if you're dieting, try to see some of these healthy tips.

Sushi is usually made ​​up of healthy ingredients such as seaweed, fresh fish, fisheggs, meat eels, and others. There are no restrictions for who are dieting andwant to stay slim to eat sushi. There are a few of these tips you can follow in order to gain a full stomach and stay slim.

1. Order Sashimi

Fresh tender sashimi so healthy choices during a visit to a sushi restaurant.Salmon and tuna contain low-calorie, high protein, and omega 3 is good for the body. Because it served raw, then you can eat a diet without guilt.

2. Miso Soup as appetizers

When ordering menu, do not forget to enter the miso soup in the list of orders.Warm savory gravy with stuffing soft tofu can withstand the stomach from hunger.Because the stomach is filled with hot soup, then the appetite can be controlledso as not to go crazy.

3. Add Wasabi

Those who like spicy, wasabi so complement your favorite sushi. Wasabicontains isothiocyanates that antioxidants can prevent cancer. So in addition tothe sensation in the mouth, add wasabi on the sushi is also good for the body.

4. Avoid mayonnaise

In one tablespoon of mayonnaise, usually contains more than 50 calories. Choosesushi without mayonnaise or cream cheese stuffing in it. Originally, the sushi is made without the addition of mayonnaise or cream cheese. Sushi without the use of cream makes it feel more natural on the tongue, is also safe for your diet

5. Eat Pickled Ginger

Pickled ginger, or gari are usually co-exist with wasabi can not just be a sweetener plate. Sweet taste can add delicious fresh sushi. Additionally, gingerhelps boost immunity. Ginger is also a source of potassium and magnesium.


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